Pilates has an equal effect on body, mind and soul. Not only the physique is positively influenced, but also the psyche. Over time, you will clearly feel the positive effect of the exercises on your overall well-being.
It is a systematic whole body training to strengthen the muscles. It strengthens the pelvic floor, the back, the abdominal muscles and especially the small deep muscles. In our modern and urban studio we train on specially developed equipment from the Gratz company.
Joseph Hubertus Pilates (1883-1967) invented a holistic body workout. It leads to a good condition as well as a good posture.
About 500 exercises alternate between stretching and strengthening the muscles.

Pilates Method
The Pilates method is a holistic workout. It primarily targets the deep, small and usually weaker muscle groups. These mainly ensure correct and healthy posture.
The training includes strength exercises and stretching. It also promotes conscious breathing. A professional introduction is important in order to avoid movement and posture errors.

The "Powerhouse"
The basis of all exercises is training the so-called “powerhouse”.
This refers to the muscles around the spine in the middle of the body, the so-called supporting muscles.
The pelvic floor and deep core muscles are specifically strengthened.
All movements are performed slowly and fluidly at the same time.
This is gentle on muscles and joints.
Breathing is trained at the same time.

What is Pilates good for?
Pilates primarily strengthens the muscles and also improves fitness. The coordination of movement and the posture becomes much better. Another goal is the stimulation of the circulation and a more conscious body awareness.
Those who train with us change their habits very quickly and take what they have learned into everyday life.
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"Dominique's (personal) training is perfectly tailored to my needs. In addition to the positive effect on my body, it is also a lot of fun."